Is it ever okay to be a control freak?
Is it ever okay to lead people by the nose through a new experience, or does that make us control freaks? Let’s look at an example. Learn more.
Makeover: How to write challenging scenario questions
We’ve all seen scenario questions that are too obvious. But how can we make them more challenging? Let’s fix a boring question right now. Learn more.
Jettison the genies and let learners think
Elearning has genies, superheroes, and wizards. Live training has the all-knowing instructor. I say all of them should stop being so darned helpful. Learn more.
5 quick ways to pull learners into a course
How can you create a lively start to your course? Try these five techniques to get learners involved and kick up the pace. Learn more.
Branching scenarios: How many decision points?
You’ve decided a branching scenario will be part of your project. But how long should it be? See an example and some tips. Read more.
How to kick off a project and avoid an info dump
Do you feel like you’re an assembly line worker in a course factory, expected to crank out training on demand? Break free of the assembly line with a strong kickoff meeting that puts you in charge. Learn more.
Tips for webinars or virtual training
“What tips do you have for giving webinars?” People have asked this a lot lately, so here’s my opinionated answer. Learn more.
How to create a training goal in 2 quick steps
A measurable business goal is a great way to focus your training and show how your work helps your organization. Here’s how to create one. Learn more.
4 ideas you should steal from interactive fiction
Here are a few fun stories from the wild world of interactive fiction. Try them out to see cool techniques you can steal for your training scenarios. Read more.
12 ways to use training scenarios – not just for elearning!
Decision-making scenarios aren’t just for elearning. Here are 12 ideas for other ways you can use branching scenarios to help people practice solving problems. Learn more.