Here are a few fun stories from the wild world of interactive fiction. Try them out to see cool techniques you can steal for your training scenarios. Read more.
Category: Scenario design (page 2)
12 ways to use training scenarios – not just for elearning!
Decision-making scenarios aren’t just for elearning. Here are 12 ideas for other ways you can use branching scenarios to help people practice solving problems. Learn more.
Why you want to put the activity first
Turn traditional training on its head: Challenge learners from the start with decision-making scenarios and let them learn through experience. It’s not only more interesting and memorable, it makes our designs more efficient. Learn more.
4 reasons to use a branching scenario
One-scene mini-scenarios are great for covering a lot of topics. So when is it worthwhile to design a branching scenario? Example scenarios included! Read more.
Example of a realistic activity: Set up the laptop
I preach a lot about making activities realistic and showing the results of the learner’s choice. Here’s an activity that shows how you could apply those principles. Read more.
Feedback in elearning scenarios: Let them think!
Do we really need a know-it-all Omniscient One to explain everything to our learners? Or can we trust them to draw conclusions from the results of their choices? Read more.
How to rewrite a quiz question as scenario-based training
“Why do you want to use scenarios?” your client asks. “Why can’t we use the quizzes that we’ve always used?” Sometimes the best way to convince a client is to show them. Let’s look at an example. Read more
Elearning scenario example: Have learners use the job aid
Often we’re told, “Put this information into a course.” But what happens if we put the information into a job aid instead, and then give learners mini-scenarios that help themuse the job aid? Read more
Scenarios: the good, the bad, and the preachy
Decision-making scenarios work best when they require realistic decisions and avoid preaching. This post turns a typical fact-regurgitation into a more realistic scenario that helps learners practice making decisions in nuanced situations. Read more
Scenario based training example: Connect with Haji Kamal
You’re a US Army sergeant in Afghanistan. Can you help a young lieutenant make a good impression on a Pashtun leader? Try the branching scenario and learn how it was designed. Read more
Why you want to use scenarios in your elearning
Imagine that you’re in a competition to overhaul an information-heavy course so it creates real change. What would you do? Read more
How to steer your client away from an information dump
Here’s an example of a simple scenario that incorporates a meter, built using simple tools. Read more.