
Jedi mind tricks for learning designers

Jedi mind tricks for learning designers

Your client thinks training will solve their problem, but they haven’t even defined the problem. Your subject matter expert wants you to present their favorite content, but you suspect it will just waste time. What can you do?

You can magically control their minds! By changing how you talk to stakeholders, you can steer them away from an information dump and toward targeted training that solves problems and improves lives. You’ll stop being an order taker and move toward performance consulting.

We’ll focus on the initial conversation with the client, identifying specific actions you can take to put the project on the best path. We’ll discuss:

  • Why so many stakeholders think our job is to present information
  • What to say to keep the initial conversation focused on the performance problem, not the “course”
  • How to get the client to agree to a meeting to analyze the problem
  • How to set and control the agenda for the meeting
  • How to help the client define and analyze the problem
  • What NOT to say to make sure stakeholders focus on changing behavior, not presenting information
  • How designing activities, not information, lets us break free of courses and events to make activities available on demand or spaced over time

This is a fast-paced but deep dive into managing the initial conversation with the client. You’ll get a PDF with links to resources to help you learn more on your own. See the competencies that this workshop targets.

Scenario design toolkit now available

Design challenging scenarios your learners love

  • Get the insight you need from the subject matter expert
  • Create mini-scenarios and branching scenarios for any format (live or elearning)

It's not just another course!

  • Self-paced toolkit, no scheduling hassles
  • Interactive decision tools you'll use on your job
  • Far more in depth than a live course -- let's really geek out on scenarios!
  • Use it to make decisions for any project, with lifetime access