
Where can I get advice about tools, my career, or my business?

Where can I get advice about tools, my career, or my business?

I receive so many emails asking for advice that I can't answer them. Instead, consider asking your question on one of the instructional design groups on LinkedIn or Facebook. There, you'll get quick responses and answers from more than one perspective.

Here are some other resources you might consider. These aren't endorsements. They're just suggestions of places you could look.

Career & business advice

How to become an instructional designer page on my blog with links to more info

Articulate Elearning Heroes career tips tag

Need to learn about the market?

  • The Elearning Guild (US) publishes research about elearning use and needs
  • Josh Bersin (US) publishes research about corporate training needs
  • Kineo (UK) publishes reports and includes market updates in their blog
  • Towards Maturity (UK) provides research about the needs of UK companies
  • ISA, a US organization, helps learning providers build their businesses

Not earning enough? Read Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny.

Working too hard or for the wrong clients? Read Built to Sell by John Warrillow, even if you don't plan to sell your business.

Workshops & conferences

Elearning design or tools; LMS selection


See  my list of recommended books about L&D strategy and training design


Here are some of the bloggers I follow, starting with ones you might not be familiar with already. All write about L&D strategy or instructional design except where noted.

Scenario design toolkit now available

Design challenging scenarios your learners love

  • Get the insight you need from the subject matter expert
  • Create mini-scenarios and branching scenarios for any format (live or elearning)

It's not just another course!

  • Self-paced toolkit, no scheduling hassles
  • Interactive decision tools you'll use on your job
  • Far more in depth than a live course -- let's really geek out on scenarios!
  • Use it to make decisions for any project, with lifetime access