
Is action mapping for designing courses?

Is action mapping for designing courses?

Action mapping helps you design activities, not courses. These activities might be packaged in a traditional course, but if you do the analysis, you'll probably find that a one-shot "course" isn't the best solution.

If your analysis shows that people need formally designed practice activities, that practice might best be done on the job. For example, it might be good to practice right before doing the real world task, maybe pulling the activity from a bank of online activities.

And if you're trying to change habits or help people learn a complex skill, you'll want spaced practice -- activities spaced out over time, not all bunched in a one-time, do-it-and-forget-it course.

A course is rarely the best solution. If you're absolutely required to produce a course so people can be tracked, consider proposing a collection of trackable activities instead. Those can be offered through an LMS and tracked, too. You can offer them on demand, or distribute a link to one each week, or find some other way to sneak them into the workflow rather than isolating them in a one-time course.

So it doesn't matter if you're picturing an online course, a face-to-face session, or a virtual workshop, they're all a one-time event, and they're not the goal of action mapping. The goal of action mapping is a suite of activities that can be provided in any number of formats, such as provided on demand from a bank of activities, delivered each week through email, played by small groups during a monthly lunch session, or in any number of other ways and in any format, not just packaged in a course.

This is one of several action mapping FAQs.

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